Thank you Conde Nast Traveler for calling among our online travel applications: Passport Index out. This website lets you easily search around the world for travel visas entry policies. Click on the cover of your passport that is specific nationality, and you’ll find the score. Click on that and you’ll get a list of their requirements and states for travelers. The U.S. has 155 countries recorded, with caveats from Visa Free, Visa Required, or E-Visa Available.
Is it a simple way to determine which countries require visas, but which is super-helpful in trip planning, but it’s a fantastic idea generator. We like to reverse looking for travel inspiration for future trips.
Nevertheless, we do have one caveat: Simply because a travel visa can be found on arrival at a country doesn’t mean you should wait to property to get the visa. Visas on arrival often require waiting patiently stamp and also to procedure your passport, and standing in a separate line before going through customs. Which could be OK on a quiet arrival day but may be a pain after a long flight, particularly when you arrive early morning or late night on a flight. Occasionally it’s well worth it to pay the fee for progress aid saving you time and stress on the other side.